Willkommen beim MyData Weekly Digest – einem wöchentlichen englischen Newsletter von OwnYourData, der sich der bestmöglichen Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet. Diese Woche neu:
- Ad-free Private Search
- SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates of Antibody-Positive
- Mapping Career Causeways User Guide
Newsletter vom 16. April 2021
[Intermediate] Ad-free Private Search
Neeva, a Silicon-Valley-based startup building “ad-free private search”, without a public product yet, apparently has raised $77.5 million so far according to Crunchbase. They seem to have had the inside track at Greylock — good for them — with a very “fundable” entrepreneur at the helm, but nevertheless this is not a small amount for what must be pre-customer, pre-revenue or close to it focusing entirely on privacy with a $5/month subscription business model. #ads #privacy #search
[Advanced] SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates of Antibody-Positive
The use of facial recognition for surveillance, or algorithms that manipulate human behaviour, will be banned under proposed EU regulations on artificial intelligence. #ai #eu #facial-recognition
[Intermediate] Big Tech’s guide to talking about AI ethics
The tech giants have developed a new vocabulary to use when they want to assure the public that they care deeply about developing AI responsibly—but want to make sure they don’t invite too much scrutiny. Here’s an insider’s guide to decoding their language and challenging the assumptions and values baked in. #ai #business #ethics