Der MyData Weekly Digest ist ein wöchentlich erscheinender englischer Newsletter von OwnYourData, der sich der Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet. 

Lesen Sie hier die „Best-Of“-News oder tragen Sie sich für den MyData Weekly Digest ein, um wöchentliche Updates zu erhalten. 


21. Mai 2021

[Advanced] Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

Vaccine passports are being considered by some governments and businesses as a means of allowing a return to something more closely resembling normal life. Canada’s Privacy Commissioners have decided to make a statement at this time in an effort to ensure that privacy is considered at the earliest opportunity as part of any discussions about vaccine passport development.

28. Mai 2021

[Intermediate] Four ways to accelerate the creation of data ecosystems

Public and private organizations rapidly set up data ecosystems to help fight COVID-19. McKinsey describes how companies can fast-track their ecosystem development.

[Advanced] GDPR Data Portability: The Forgotten Right

[Intermediate] The European Data Governance Act from a data sovereignty perspective 



Personal data exchange has joined forces with the Yorz Me2B marketplace to enable users to receive cash rewards and offers by consenting access to their data whilst protecting their privacy. #mydata-operator-2020   #personal-data-store 

Tru is perhaps the only scalable alternative to traditional social media that doesn’t use an algorithm. It offers a safe, clean, curated feed, with no ads, noise or surveillance. #mydata-operator-2020   #social-media   


I’m extremely happy to announce that Findy cooperative has been founded! #authentication   #identity   #network   

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