Der MyData Weekly Digest ist ein wöchentlich erscheinender englischer Newsletter von OwnYourData, der sich der Berichterstattung innerhalb des menschen-zentrierten Ansatzes bei der Verwaltung personenbezogener Daten widmet.
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11. Juni 2021
[Simple] New Blockchain-Based Solution For Smart Cities
Telecommunications company Orange has partnered with Polish blockchain company Smartkey to improve access controls to buildings and city services across Poland. Several city governments already use Orange’s IoT platform to remotely manage city services such as street lighting control. The partnership builds upon this technology by integrating Smartkey’s blockchain solution, which ensures that the data from the IoT sensors cannot be falsified after its creation. When combined, the two platforms will enable authorized city residents to gain quicker access to specific buildings and city and commercial services. Eighty cities will participate in the initial rollout. #blockchain #cities #poland
[Intermediate] Training AI Systems to Code
[Intermediate] Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants
[Advanced] GHP Blueprint Public Review Process
[Intermediary] The Data Delusion
04. Juni 2021
[Simple] Privacy group targets website ‚cookie terror‘
[Advanced] FAIR Data Maturity Model. Specification and Guidelines
Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability – the FAIR principles – intend to define a minimal set of related but independent and separable guiding principles and practices that enable both machines and humans to find, access, interoperate and re-use data and metadata. The FAIR principles were defined in 2016 in an article by Mark Wilkinson et. al. The principles have to be considered as inspiring concepts but not strict rules. This means that they may lead to diverse interpretations and ambiguity.
To remedy the proliferation of FAIRness measurements based on different interpretations of the principles, the RDA Working Group “FAIR data maturity model” established in January 2019 aims to develop a common set of core assessment criteria for FAIRness, as an RDA Recommendation. In the course of 2019 and the first half of 2020, the WG established a set of indicators and maturity levels for those indicators. As a result of the work, a first set of guidelines and a checklist related to the implementation of the indicators were produced, with the objective to further align the guidelines for evaluating FAIRness with the needs of the community. #fair #interoperability
[Simple] EU Digital COVID Certificate: EU Gateway goes live with seven countries one month ahead of deadline
Today, the EU Digital COVID Certificate has reached another important milestone with the go-live of the technical system at EU level, which allows to verify certificates in a secure and privacy-friendly way. The EU certificate was proposed by the Commission to resume safe travelling this summer. It will be free of charge, secure and accessible to all. Available in digital format or on paper, it will be a proof that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative, or recovered from an infection. #coronavirus #eu #health-passport
[Simple] The UK Has a Plan for a New ‘Pandemic Radar’ System
Disease surveillance schemes to catch the next rising virus already exist—they’re just not communicating with each other. #coronavirus #uk
[Intermediate] European Digital Identity
The European Digital Identity will be available to EU citizens, residents, and businesses who want to identify themselves or provide confirmation of certain personal information. It can be used for both online and offline public and private services across the EU. Every EU citizen and resident in the Union will be able to use a personal digital wallet. #eu #identity
[Intermediate] Community-as-a-Service: A Business Model for the 21st Century
How communities generate value and how content creators are profiting from it. #business #community
[Advanced] The next generation of data ethics tools
- Early tech and data ethics tools and their users
- The evolving tech and data ethics landscape
- Lessons for the next generation of tech and data ethics tools
[Intermediate] Fing Data Day
[Advanced] A fair data economy is built upon collaboration
[Simple] AI start-up potted Coronavirus before anyone else had a clue
Typing DNA
Not sure where to put this / should it go into the PII Blinding taxonomy? #authentication #identity
You can now support Consento via FundOSS. #personal-data-store