
Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space

The Data Intelligence Offensive is part of the Horizon 2020 project TRUSTS.

Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space

Trust within a data market is a prerequisite for market participants to share and trade not only open
share and trade not only open data, but also personal and protected data. This is
technical development – a sound legal and ethical basis is also necessary.
necessary. In addition, actionable and plausible business models are fundamental.

The Horizon 2020 project TRUSTS – Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space aims to create a platform for
secure, trusted and DSGVO-compliant data sharing. Based on the
experience of Data Market Austria and International Data Spaces, the TRUSTS platform will support the
integration of additional national or regional data markets in different jurisdictions.

This project is supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union
(Grant agreement No 871481). The Data Intelligence Offensive as multiplier leads the
Communication, Dissemination, and Community Building work package.

TRUSTS Podcast

In the TRUSTS podcast you will get insights into the project, learn more about the most important aspects of TRUSTS and hear explanations from experts from the consortium.

TRUSTS – News and Events