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3 September 2021

Data privacy is a growing concern for more consumers

People surveyed by KPMG reported feeling increasingly uneasy about the data collection practices of corporations   

12 ways a human-centric approach to data can improve the world

In the era of data abundance, it’s easy to think of these bytes as a panacea but without the right systems in place, we cannot realize the full potential of data to advance a sustainable, equitable and inclusive future.     

Apple Secures First States To Support Digital Driver’s Licenses, But Privacy Questions Linger

Apple’s plan to digitize your wallet is slowly taking shape. What started with boarding passes and venue tickets later became credit cards, subway tickets, and student IDs. Next on Apple’s list to digitize are driver’s licenses and state IDs, which it plans to support in its iOS 15 update expected out later this year.     

WhatsApp fined €225m by Ireland over Privacy

Facebook’s WhatsApp was fined a record 225 million euro by the Irish data protection regulator on Thursday after the EU privacy watchdog pressured Ireland to raise the penalty for the company’s privacy breaches.

Partly at issue is how WhatsApp share information with parent company Facebook, according to the commission. The decision brings an end to a GDPR inquiry the privacy regulator started in December 2018. WhatsApp said it disagrees with the decision and plans to appeal. “We have worked to ensure the information we provide is transparent and comprehensive and will continue to do so,” a WhatsApp spokesperson said via email.

“Disinformation influencers” for hire, only $15 a day

New research from the Mozilla Foundation chronicles a Kenyan social media campaign designed to undermine the country’s judiciary.

Apple delays plans to scan iPhones for child exploitation images

Apple has delayed plans to roll out its child sexual abuse (CSAM) detection technology that it chaotically announced last month, citing feedback from customers and policy groups.    



We have been speaking of more open community (visible in web without login). This is open source and has also Slack connection. With Patreon or Memberful it could be made also the platform for the Academy.      ()

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