With the increasing use of artificial intelligence in products, business and customer processes, the focus is shifting to the security, resilience and trustworthiness of these systems.

In addition to economic factors, the fulfilment of legal framework requirements at EU level (on security, data protection and trustworthiness), such as the “GDPR” or the “AI Act”, plays an increasingly important role in the design of future-proof systems. The first national and transnational projects, such as the “Testing AI” project of the German Informatics Society, are trying to strengthen the discourse.

The workshop organised jointly with the BDVA (as part of the BDVA Data Week ) “Enabling secure and resilient AI”, on 3 June 2022, pooled efforts at European and national level and created a discussion platform of business and science to identify the security challenges of the future at an early stage and develop solutions together.

You missed the workshop? Take a look at the recording:

Thanks to Ana García Robles (BDVA) and Thomas Hahn (BDVA President), Salvatore Scalzo and Gabriele Mazzini (European Commission), Patrick Bezombes (CEN-CENELEC JTC21), Torsten Priebe (FH St. Pölten) and Marlies Temper (DIO Board) for the joint work and the common mission to make AI fit for the future.

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