The Data Intelligence Initiative is part of the german-austrian project champI4.0ns.

Using data intelligently and sovereign – by using the wood industry as an example
The wood industry is an important economic sector in both Austria and Germany. Wood is a sustainable and future-oriented material, but at the same time the processing of the raw material is very machine and energy intensive. Therefore, especially against the background of the Twin Transition – the digital and ecological transformation – it is important that companies in the wood industry work on increasing efficiency and conserving resources.
Within champI4.0ns the use of production-relevant data will be advanced by using examples from the wood industry to show how an intelligent and sovereign use of data in an ecosystem of diverse partners can succeed. To this end, methods and services for addressing central challenges are being developed and made available, demonstrators are being realised, the status quo of the application of Big Data technologies is being further developed, guidelines and standards are being drawn up, competences and capacities are being built up and the exchange between actors is being promoted.
The bilateral flagship projectchampI4.0ns is jointly fundedby the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the GermanFederal Ministry forEconomic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (FFG-Funding Number 883417). Over a term of four years and with a total volume of EUR 8.613.396 (/ a subsidy amount of EUR 5.467.935) the consortium of 18 partners is working on sustainable innovation at the interface between the wood industry and data science. Thethe projectaims to make tangible the added valuethat intelligent and sovereign use of datacanbringto production– in the wood industry and beyond.
champI4.0ns – News and Events