DIO Data Space Data-driven innovation in agriculture and forestry.

This Data Space is currently in the phase of a strategic reorientation. We cordially invite you to contribute your ideas and participate in the redesign.

Original mission of the Data Space

Austrian agriculture and forestry are increasingly influenced by digitalization. In this context, data sovereignty, the interoperability of data from the various data owners and data protection are proving to be major challenges.

The DIO Data Space Data-Driven Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry is doing groundwork in finding a common language, both on the technical and on the human side. In addition, the data room focuses on standardization and interoperability of machine-readable data for legal and funding requirements. This complements existing networking initiatives.

Priority target groups are SMEs and start-ups (machine manufacturers, software providers) based in Austria, public bodies (ministries, meteorological services, funding agencies/processors, etc.), advocacy groups and research institutions in the field of agriculture and the forestry – wood – paper value chain.

Output: A networking event is planned, the goal of which is the identification of a concrete task or a concrete start-up project for the Data Space Data Driven Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry.