Do you already know the latest from the TRUSTS project – Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space? We have summarised the most important information for you here. Do you want to stay up to date? Subscribe to the TRUSTS newsletter and stay up-to-date. You can read the latest newsletter here.

The project is moving forward. Within TRUSTS, the needs and necessary developments of a data economy are to be supported. The latest deliverables inform about progress, considerations and recently developed models.

TRUSTS Podcast Episode 4TRUSTS Podcast Episode 4Insights into TRUSTS via Podcast

Don’t like reading? No problem! In the TRUSTS podcasts, Nina Popanton talks to members of the consortium about current research, processes and developments. For example, with Antragama Ewa Abbas, PhD student at Delft University of Technology, about data market research – what do we know about it and what don’t we? In episode 5, Nina talks to Stavroula Ntoa (Forth) about what criteria are relevant for developing a platform like the TRUSTS Data Market Federator, what the process looks like and they give an insight into the features the platform will offer. All podcast episodes can also be found on Spotify and Podigee.

TRUSTS Stakeholder Advisory Board

With the Stakeholder Advisory Board, TRUSTS brings in external expertise to include a variety of viewpoints in the development process. The experts are advisors, but also ambassadors for TRUSTS.


The Horizon 2020 project TRUSTS – Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space aims to develop a platform for secure, trustworthy and GDPR-compliant data sharing, based on the experience of Data Market Austria and International Data Spaces. The initiative is supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Union (Grant agreement No 871481). DIO is leading the work package “Communication, Dissemination, and Community Building”.